Iran and the Cult of the Mahdi

The current conflict between the Jewish State and the Muslims of Gaza is in no small part fueled by the tenets of Islam. Islam hates Jews. It hates Christians. It hates Baha’i. It hates… come to think of it, all non-Muslims. Non-Muslim Muslim apologists beware -- you're next, even if you are too stupid and naïve to see it coming.

Islam is a cult. Cults are characterized by: 

  • Absolute authoritarianism without accountability. 
  • Zero tolerance for criticism or questions.
  • Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions 
  • A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave (apostacy is punishable by death).
  • Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough” (Muhammed is considered the “perfect man” and is to be emulated). 
  • A belief that the leader is right at all times (Muhammed is considered inerrant). 
  • A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation. 

That said, there is reason to consider another factor at work in the current war in Israel – the 12th Imam. 

Briefly, there are two major groups of madmen/women in Islam -- the Sunni and the Shia. The schism between them started upon the death of Muhammed. It was contested succession of leadership that resulted in a split. 

Sunni Islam is the largest branch of Islam, comprising the majority of Muslims worldwide. Its name "Sunni" is derived from the Arabic word "Ahl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jama'ah," which means "People of the Sunnah and the Community." Sunnis believe in following the path (sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad and the consensus (ijma) of the Muslim community. The Sunni branch originated from the early Muslim community's acceptance of the first four caliphs (successors) following the death of the Prophet Muhammad. 

Shia Islam's origins can be traced to a belief in the rightful leadership of Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. Shiites believe that Ali should have been the immediate successor to the Prophet, as they argue that he was divinely appointed. They also believe in a line of twelve Imams, with the twelfth Imam being in occultation and expected to return as the Mahdi. 

Iran is ruled by a Shia Muslim theocracy. The Shia believe in the existence of the 12th Imam. He is a big deal to them. The primary mission of the Mahdi is to establish justice on Earth. It is believed that he will rectify the widespread oppression and tyranny that will exist before his appearance. He will uphold the principles of righteousness and fairness. The Mahdi will reform society by eradicating corruption, eliminating social inequalities, and ensuring that Islamic principles are followed in all aspects of life

To paraphrase BLM and other racists, “No Islam, no peace.” 

Who is this Mahdi character? 

The Twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, is believed to have been born in present-day Iraq in the 9th century CE as the last in the line of successors to the Prophet Muhammad. Shiites believe he went into occultation, or hiding, in 941 CE and still exists but in concealment from the world. This hidden imam is known as the Mahdi or "Guided One." The Twelfth Imam will reveal himself again as the Mahdi, along with Jesus, to bring justice to the world, defeating evil and establishing Islam as the global faith before the Day of Judgment.  

Shiites believe the Mahdi's eventual reappearance is inevitable and he will rule justly over the Islamic community, or ummah, for several years before the end times.  

Tradition states that even in hiding, the Twelfth Imam can communicate with and guide devotees through appointed intermediaries called “Gates.” Devotion and obedience to the Hidden Imam became a foundational belief in Shia Islam starting in the 10th century, though the Mahdi concept exists in Sunni Islam as well. 

Belief in the messianic return of the Twelfth Imam distinguishes Shia from Sunni Islam and influences Iranian national identity and politics, including the ideology of its Islamic Revolution. 

The Twelfth Imam is a central eschatological figure in Shia theology whose future return marks a turning point in human history as understood in Islamic scripture and tradition. 

In Shia Islamic belief, there are various signs and events that will precede and provoke the Twelfth Imam (or Hidden Imam) to reveal himself as the Mahdi. Some of the main events believed to bring about his return include: 

  • Widespread injustice and oppression in the world. The Mahdi will arise when the world is full of tyrannical rule and injustice.  
  • The invasion of the Arabian peninsula. The Mahdi will return shortly after foreign armies invade the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. 
  • Reappearance of Sufyani. The Sufyani is an evil tyrant whose appearance is one of the biggest signs of the Imam Mahdi's imminent return. 
  • Murder of a pure soul. The death of a profoundly pious believer is said to be a catalyst that prompts the Hidden Imam's return. 
  • Revolt led by a descendant of the Prophet. The rise of revolts led by Hasan ibn Ali, a descendant of Muhammad, will be a major signal. 
  • Astronomical signs. Natural events involving eclipses of the sun and moon occurring during the holy month of Ramadan are also believed to be important omens. 
  • Chaos and war between Muslims. Widespread conflict, violence, and instability in the Muslim world is a precursor to the Twelfth Imam's advent. 
  • A far-reaching call from the East. Some believe a literal cry will call out from Mashhad in Iran summoning the Mahdi. 

Shiites believe once enough of these disruptive events transpire, the Twelfth Imam will finally reappear on earth to restore justice as Islam's messianic savior. However, the exact timing remains ambiguous. 

From an analysis of Shia Islamic eschatology, it does seem plausible that a world war could potentially be seen as one of the preconditions or signs that is expected to precede the return of the Twelfth Imam as the prophesied Mahdi. 

Consider the following: 

The predictions state the Mahdi will come during a time of widespread conflict and unrest among both Muslims and the greater world. A world war that engulfs many nations could align with this. Major wars are often accompanied by death and injustice on a large scale, other precursors to the Mahdi's return. 

However, some scholars state localized regional wars may play a bigger role in the end times forecasts than a worldwide conflict.  Certain events like the invasion of the Arabian peninsula's holy cities are specific signs that may or may not happen during a world war. 

Some experts argue that the Mahdi prophecies are vague and flexible enough to be applied to many types of major wars or crises. The conditions and turmoil of a world war could potentially be interpreted as fulfilling some of the general prerequisites for the Mahdi's advent. 

So, what happens to the rest of us when the Mahdi is released? 

In general, traditional Shiite apocalyptic literature tends to portray the establishment of Islamic dominion under the Mahdi resulting in the subjugation and conversion of Jews along with other non-Muslims. 

The deal for Iran is that it wins no matter what. If it kills all the Jews, directly or via proxies, if fulfills Quranic prescriptions. If it starts a world war, it wins by paving the path for the Mahdi’s return. 

No matter how this proceeds, as long as conflict continues, Iran can win -- theologically and politically. 

Given that apparently Iran is just 12 days away from producing “one bomb’s worth of fissile material,” more Muslim mischief by these Ayatollah Mahdmen cannot be discounted. 

Image: P30Carl

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